Blue Oni: Controlled next to most people compared to the other Amanda/Emily, she's practically dead.Big Sister Instinct: She earns one after a revelation.Bed Trick: It's debatable if Daniel would have consented to having sex with her if he knew she was really Amanda.Too bad fate, as well as an archnemesis who refuses to accept defeat gracefully, have other things in mind for her. Knight in Sour Armor: Character Development, the clearing of her father's name and defeating the Graysons has her wishing to start anew as of Season 4 and lead a more honest life.To her credit, she shows a surprising amount of restraint for this level of Anti-Hero. Unscrupulous Hero: Although her motives are understandable and sympathetic, she is far from a morally upstanding protagonist, and causes her share of collateral damage.Action Girl: She is a black belt in karate, and quite proficient at kicking ass.Inheriting a massive fortune from one of her father's associates and discovering her father's innocence, she proceeds to change her name and return to the Hamptons to gain revenge. The daughter of David Clarke, Emily Thorne was only a little girl when she was ripped away from her father and forced into a series of institutions. 'For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places: absolute forgiveness, or mortal vindication.